Before the deal, a card is cut or turned from the pack to determine the trump suit for that deal.
Rank of Cards
A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
Deal cards either one or three at a time, beginning with the opponent, until each player has six cards. The remaining cards are squared and turned face down in the center of the table, serving as a stock. The top card is the trump suit for that deal rummybo.
The Play
The player on the dealer’s left leads. The card led loses the trick to a higher card of the same suit or to a trump, but wins the trick otherwise. The winner of each trick leads next.
The second player to each trick must either follow suit or trump, if possible. If unable to follow suit or trump, they may play any card.
The winner of each trick draws the top card of the stock, and the loser takes the next card. When the stock is exhausted, the last six cards of each player’s hand are played out until all cards have been played.
How to Keep Score
One point each is scored for taking the tricks that contain: High (ace of trumps), Low (deuce of trumps), Jack of trumps, and Game (the greatest number of points in counting cards, each ten counting 10 points, each ace 4, each king 3, each queen 2, each jack 1).
The first player to score 10 points wins the game. If both players reach 10 in the same hand, the points count in order: High, Low, Jack, Game.
Game Network: Rummy Bo